A Very Special House Project

Andy is toiling, toiling away on the basement. I am SO excited for it to be done and I am LOVING how it’s come together. The basement is our last remaining room in the house that needed a total gut. We have lots of projects planned – “finishing” the garage, possibly a patio [with hired help],  finishing details on both bathrooms, etc.

But the project I am most excited about barely qualifies as a renovation, but will be our most special project yet.

We’re going to be turning what has been a junk room/extra guest room….


into a nursery!

That’s right, we are expecting an addition to the family come September! Maybe someday I will tell the full story but for now I’ll just say that this baby was and is so incredibly wanted but still managed to completely surprise us. I’m 16 weeks and so far everything is just as it should be.

Once we find out the gender we will start to think more about the actual nursery design. Until then, I’ll just keep dreaming about getting this insanely cool rocker as a shower present…

Finn Rocker - anthropologie.com

4 thoughts on “A Very Special House Project

  1. Donna Castele says:

    Very excited for you two! This is such an amazing time in your lives and Reed and I are thrilled for you to become a “family of three”!!!

  2. Decorum DIYer says:

    Congratulations to you and yours. Such an exciting time in your life. (Pssst… consider yourself lucky that you have finished most, if not all, of your renovation prior to baby. As a mother of 3 we are on the s-l-o-w crawl in terms of renovation. Our basement is the bane of my existence.)

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